WILL SAMPSON (September 27, 1933 / June 3, 1987)

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DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: THE POLTERGEIST CURSE fanzine coming soon. It’ll cover the many mysterious (and not so mysterious) deaths relating to the Poltergeist movies. Do you believe the movies are cursed?

If you want a head start, CLICK HERE for a copy of DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: STALKED! (Issue #7) where we cover the life of Dominique Dunne, the teenage sister in the first β€œPoltergeist” movie who was murdered at the hands of her ex-boyfriend. It’s truly as fascinating as it is terrifying.



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Have you visited the Pierce Brothers Westwood Memorial Park & Mortuary where Natalie Wood is buried? Dead in Hollywood: Here Lies Natalie Wood. (Issue 18) tells the story of the final resting place of Wood with a bunch of never-before-seen photos of Wood’s gravesite.

Poltergeist Turns 36!

Poltergeist was released 36 years ago today. Five months after its release Dominique Dunne, the teenage daughter in the film, is strangled to death by her ex-boyfriend. A few years later, Heather O’Rourke who plays the iconic role of Carol Anne dies at the age of 12 from β€œcardiac arrest caused by septic shock.” Some believe the movie to be cursed. ☠️ All that I know is the movie scared the shit out of me as a kid and it still does! On a side note, I always thought it was so great that the parents smoked pot and weren’t druggies or losers. They were just your normal parents. Check out Dead in Hollywood: Stalked (Issue #7) for the tragic story of Dominique Dunne (click on "Store" above).

Heather O'Rourke (December 27, 1975 / February 1, 1988)

O'Rourke plays Carol Anne in the horror film "Poltergeist" (1982). She utters the movie's most famous line: "They're here!" She reprises the role in the second and third installments. In February 1988 she dies at the age of 12 of cardiac arrest and septic shock caused by a misdiagnosed intestinal stenosis. The Poltergeist Curse strikes again...

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