I’m days away from finishing the fanzine DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: THE POLTERGEIST CURSE (ISSUE 29)! I have loved being able to work on this issue this Halloween season. So much research has gone into this issue. I can’t wait to share it with everyone. CLICK ON IMAGE FOR A SNEAK PEAK!


I wrote about the death of actress Dominique Dunne two years ago in the fanzine DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: STALKED! CLICK HERE FOR A COPY and stay turned for DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: THE POLTERGEIST CURSE! Coming this Halloween.

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The Death of Dominique Dunne

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It's Almost Here!

Until then, check out the fanzine DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: STALKED! (Issue 7) where we cover the death of β€œPoltergeist” star, Dominique Dunne as well as two other up-and-coming women who were murdered in their prime. All 3 stories will send a shiver down your spine. CLICK HERE for STALKED and stayed tuned for THE POLTERGEIST CURSE. COMING THIS HALLOWEEN!!!!

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DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: THE POLTERGEIST CURSE fanzine coming soon. It’ll cover the many mysterious (and not so mysterious) deaths relating to the Poltergeist movies. Do you believe the movies are cursed?

If you want a head start, CLICK HERE for a copy of DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: STALKED! (Issue #7) where we cover the life of Dominique Dunne, the teenage sister in the first β€œPoltergeist” movie who was murdered at the hands of her ex-boyfriend. It’s truly as fascinating as it is terrifying.
